Friday, 27 February 2009
Twas only about 9km each way, took 30 mins on the wa there, and 20 on the way back.
London at night, its quite nice really. Once I can bike properly again I might have to make a habit of going out for a couple of hours after dark, and actually see bits of London that Ive not had a chance to get to before. (or gone through on a tube- hence not seeing anything.
Thumb slightly hurting this morning, though really its not that bad. Just enough to make me think that it needs another week before I get on a bike again.
Rest is good.
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Chris sharma- lecture
Loads of people waiting in the normal bit, and the lecture was through a little door into the section which divides the wall in 2.
There was no way iin which ThAT many people could have fit into that space.
However, after quite some time, we were allowed in, went through and through a candle lit tunnel, into another railway arch, a cavernous place with a load of chairs out, a white painted wall, small stage and more candles.
Very atmospheric, especially with dust falling from the ceiling as trains went overhead.
Chris walked in, grabbed the mic and proceeded to amble to the projecter, right next to where I was sitting. So I spent the entire thing pretty much sat next to him.
The amount of stuff he's done is quite astonishing, obviously he's incredibly talented- sheesh- climbing 5.14 when he was 14, that ait bad.
The thing that came out most was just to have fun in everything that you do. Be psyched. Be motivated. Find something that motivates you, don't be jealous of things that other people are doing, be stoked for them, ebcourage them, but don't forget about the stuff that you do.
Make it fun and you will be motivated, fun = inspiration and motivation.
Excellent evening.
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Beautiful day for a walk, so we took a train down to Boxhill. On the way down, we programmed in co-ordinates to our Forerunners, and marked them down on a 1:25k map.
There was a series called Snow white, had to find 7 dwarves, each of which had a number on it, put all together, they added up to give the ref for Snow White.
Spent an enjoyable 5 hours or so romping around boxhill and the surrounding countryside, at times bashing through ferns and brambles, and at others, wandering down sun dappled paths (could barely believe it was February).
Found all the ones we wanted to, and had a slightly fast walk to the end to catch a train. But caught the thing, which was good.
All in all, it was about 15km, in boots with a pack. Didnt get lost, only really used the GPS when we got within itching distance of the target.
Its actually quite a good map reading exercise, which might have uses for adventure racing.
good day out though.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
and again....
forgot my shorts, so had to run home in just my leggings.
had music on as well, new sennheiser pmx 80s- very good, just as good as the 70s- which were green, stay in the same place as well as them, and theyre orange.
7km, 34:37,
avg 4.55 min per km
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Running home again
I think it was an instability twitch- caused by the mass offroad session over the weekend, rather than a shock caused one from excessive running. Still, going to keep a weather eye on it and not do anythin silly.
It was quite warm coimng home- with the featherlite on it was nearly too hot. No, make that it WAS too hot, I just didn't want to stop and take it off.
Masses of traffic around as well. Very glad I don't drive in central london. As it was, I swear I was getting carbon monoxide poisoning...
Thought I'd take it nice and easy, chilling out and not massively trying.
Still, managed 7.2km in 35 mins
4.57min perkm on average
Monday, 16 February 2009
Running in Wales
Started out from Capel Curig at 10ish, and took the trail to the west that runs parallel to the road. After 4km, crossed the road and went up into the hills. After a while, bog ensued.
I missed the standing stone I was looking for but hit a catching feature- the stream that ran to the lake, and followed that. Rain happened, but really, not much of an issue.
Really getting into it by the time I got to the lake, up and around it, and then up a hill that was covered in heather. That was my slowest lap- open access, but no paths, so just heather bashing. that was about 2 hours in, and I had my second geo bar.
Topped out and followed a fence line, down until I hit the wood, which was excellent, mud, bog, tree roots and trees that had fallen over which had to be jumped, proper running.
Got slightly lost at one point, but backtracked and corrected myself within 5 mins, and careered onward down through the trees, over a river, passed a house and went back up over a saddle. The final part was all track, a mixture of stones, rock and river which took me right back to the house.
3hrs 7 mins, 24 km, average pace 8mins per km and average of 150bpm.
Also used a thumb compass, which I havent used before, turned out to be excellent.
only ate 3 geobars for the whole thing, went through maybe 1.5l of normal water, minor pain in the left knee, took Ibuprofen at about 15km, started to feel slightly tired at 21km.
A seriously excellent run.
Wales- trust yer compass

Saturday, ok weather, snow on the ground up a little higher, took crampons and axes just in case.
I borrowed nics rucsac as mine wasnt really up to spec to carry winter gear. I was expecting to run or go absurdly light. Wandered out from Capel Curig with Sasmojo and West over to get to Tryfan.
Went over a couple of hills and through a bog or two. I was most surprised and concerned to find my Scarpa Charmoz GTX's were leaking. Right boot, just over the toe, and that was within about 10 mins of starting. As a side note, I shall be testing these out at home in controlled circumstances... not a happy bunny as they arent even 3 months old yet.
We got to the ridge before tryfan, glorious in its snowiness, and started to decend over to the saddle when the clag came in. We veered left- south, and by my compass we ended up going East.
After looking at the ground we were on, and comparing it to the map, it was decided that the compass was wrong and we would continue on course .. the rocks MUST have been tampering with my compass. Not withstanding the other compass said the same, as did my Forerunner. Went along with it, to see what would happen, and where we would end up- which was patently not going to be Tryfan.
After going around in a circle, we came across a stonewall and a river, and got our bearings back, hiked back up the hill to the place where we were about 1.5 hours previously.
By this time, My foot was wet. Nasty wet, and I really didnt fancy going on tryfan in the snow with a cold wet foot- so we trudged back home again, making excellent time.
In all, it was about 18km over 5hrs 10 mins or so. With an excellent navigational exercise thrown in.
Friday, 13 February 2009
running home again
Most disappointing.
Ran from London bridge to home, took 34:47 mins, 7.08 km at 4.55min per km
average hr 159bpm.
quite a nice little jog home, and stretched out my right calf, which was feeling a bit tight from Tuesdays shenanagens.
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
back to the grind
I was meant to have gone out over the weekend on the IOW, but ended up eating far too much and falling asleep in front of a fire, quite consistently.
However, I managed to overcome the apathy and rocked out last night around Blackheath. My Asics were wet from running to Explorers on Monday, so I wore my Inov8s and made sure I stayed on the grass as much as possible. Good to keep them soft, and in shape with my feet.
Ended up going around Blackheath, the whole thing 2 and a half times, 15.99km by the time I finally got back, 1hr 21 mins, thats averaging about 5.02mins per km.
I was averaging at under 5mins per km for the first 12km, and then slowed down some, though nothing too drastic.
Average heartrate at about 160bpm.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
no. I really hate gyms
I mean, I know Im pathologically averse to gyms, however, I figured that its better to do something you really hate, than go for a run in the snow and injure yourself. As we all know, being injured is the worst thing you can do, as you get fat, demotivated and generally screwed over.
So I went to the gym. Did about 15 mins on the treadmill at 11km, and 15 mins on the biking machine (reclining) average HR at 156, (155 on the treadmill and 157 on the bike).
It was a very do-able pace on the mill- but totally mind numbing, and I also felt a slight twinge in my plantar fascia, so stopped after 15 mins.
reclining bike was ok, but, again, boring. I actually found it getting harder at about the 10 min mark as my mind started wandering. Like, really hard.
Wierdly enough, as I started concentrating on my legs, and really putting some effort into it, it got a whole lot easier.
No wonder gyms hurt. I cant concentrate long enough to actually make it interesting.
Interesting. I need to keep up the concentration and the pain wont happen. Or maybe I'll just try even harder and end up destroying myself in half the time. There are no distance markers in the gym, so I guess Im going to have to use HR markers instead.
On another note, i went to the hand specialist today. Got it x-rayed and I have a suspected hairline fracture of my thumb. so nothing for 6 weeks. Thats the medical opinion, so it looks like a whole lot of running for me then.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
marathon training 1
Harder than I thought.
Only managed to be out for about 1hr17mins, got around 15km.
average was 5.12mins per km, which really isnt bad, all things considered. However, i did feel really tired on the run.
It could have been because I was slightly dehydrated- notice a pattern going on here.
Keep Hydrated.
average hr was about 168, which seems a little high to me. All endurance races to date have been about 140-155 average- i suppose thats because of the constant starting and stopping. It'll be interesting to see the graphs over time.
I guess im going faster now than i am in the endurance races as well.
A little tired in the morning, but nothing serious. Need to make sure I dont run too much as I'll start doing my back in.