

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Walsh shoes

I have my first pair of Walshes.

We were down in London for a day before heading back up to our new stomping ground, and wandered into London City runner when Ms destruction noticed a couple of pairs of old school fell shoes decorating the bottom of the bargain wall.

The Comp shoes were in her size and the general shoes were in mine.
a tenner each!
done, and done.

Obviously I know im looking at tech which is a fair few years old, and the current walshes may or may not be like this, but from first impressions, they are well constructed, the heel cup looks like a nightmare, the insole is something that needs to be thrown away (and replaced with superfeet), and when I wear them, it feels like I am about 1/2 an inch taller.

After going for a bit of a test walk/jog in them, I did nearly go over on my ankle about 5 times, on relatively easy ground, so i think that should I begin to wear these for more serious running, I need to practice in them to get a better idea of where gravity works, and where it doesnt in relation to where im stepping.

The grip.
Well, whats not to like. Big spikes. Holes in ground. Wouldnt like to be slapped in the face with one.
Cant wait to get out there and try them out in anger. (whilst hopefully not twisting my ankle)


I have taken delivery of a new pair of inov8 Bare grips today.
they are nice and snazzy, and are a very green colour.

When I say they came today I lie. They arrived yesterday, 5 mins before I was going to set out for a run with the Harriers, so I opted not to wear them then... 15km in a new pair of shoes, no matter how comfortable they felt, might not have been the best idea.

I went with the roclite 268s instead, and as ever, they did me well.
As and when I begin to use/destroy the baregrips, my thoughts shall be here.

First use is this evening... but on a football pitch- running around being 1st aid/physio - basically ensuring that I dont end up on my butt. They'd better be good!